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I have taught university students for the last 25 years. During that time, I have effectively designed curriculum requirements for BA, MA and Ph.D. student concentrations and degree objectives, supervised students in the US and around the world, and generated a diverse array of courses, which I have taught in small classrooms, large lecture halls in-person and remotely.

My philosophy as a teacher is to promote analytical, methodological, and self-reflexive global literacy. To achieve these learning outcomes, I merge Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development with peace education and global education philosophies. I argue, such skills will best benefit students, and society.

Teaching  Penn State Peace and Social Change Communication Graduate Students



Citizen Learning Under Conflict - University of California, Los Angeles (School of Education and Information Sciences)

Peace and Social Change Communication - Pennsylvania State University (Communication and Comparative and International Education)

Social Change Communication  -  American University (International Communication and International Peace and Conflict

Resolution, School of International Service)

Education in the Middle East and North Africa - University of California, Los Angeles (School of Education and Information Sciences)

Children, Media and Conflict American University (International Communication and International Peace and Conflict Resolution, School of International Service)

Alternative Break to Colombia: Media, Resource-Based Conflict, Land Displacement and Military Reintegration Matters - American University (Center for Community Engagement and Service)



Peace CommunicationUniversity of California, San Diego (Communication and International Studies); American University

(School of International Service)

Children, Media and Conflict American University (School of International Service)

Covering Conflict: Israeli and Palestinian Media University of California, Los Angeles (Communication and Israel Studies)

Children and Emerging Telecommunications Markets  -  Pennsylvania State University (Telecommunication and Media


Children and Media Methods University of California, San Diego (Communication)

Telecommunication Ethics  -  Pennsylvania State University (Telecommunication and Media Industries)

News Media Ethics  -  Pennsylvania State University (Journalism)

Cross-Cultural Communication - American University (School of International Service)

Methods of Media Production University of California, San Diego (Communication)

Introduction to Communication University of California, San Diego (Communication)

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2021 -  Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

International Communication Division Third Place Teaching Award for “Teaching Empathy and World System Categories as Research Methodologies for Critical International Communication Research.”


2016 - Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

International Communication Division Second Place Teaching Award for “Responding to a Diverse and Global World: Ethics of International Reporting.”



At my most recent institution, students have rated my courses and teaching at means as high as 6.13 and 6.67 (out of 7), respectively, and in semesters during which median and mode scores were instead used, 6.5 and 6.7


Anonymous Student

"Yael Warshel is wonderful. She is a considerate educator who is obviously passionate about the material"

Anonymous Student

Professor Warshel “ ‘always made me feel super comfortable and never like any of my questions/confusions were stupid. She took me seriously and made me feel that my feelings and concerns were valid, which I really appreciated.’”

Anonymous Student

Prof. Warshel is one of the best professors I’ve ever had. Expects a lot, but I also learned a lot. My comprehension + discussion skills improved greatly. Answers questions thoroughly.

Anonymous Student

 “’Whenever I was struggling with my thesis or anything related to my graduate studies, she [Professor Warshel] always seemed happy to help and was really patient, kind, and gave amazing advice that genuinely helped me throughout my graduate years.’”

Anonymous Student

She is extremely intelligent so just her speaking helped me learn the content. she is really enthusiastic about what she teaches. always helpful and cool.

Anonymous Student

"[Dr. Warshel is] Knowledgeable and passionate about subject. Great energy, open to questions. Forces you to think critically."

Anonymous Student

Professor Warshel was a good hands on teacher. She would meet with us separately to check in and gave good advice towards group projects.

Anonymous Student

"[Professor Warshel has a] Solid understanding of the topic, genuine interest-inspiring."

Anonymous Student

"The professor is very knowledgeable in the field and shows in the lectures and class discussion. She breaks things up so it is easy to understand."

Colombia Alt Break.Supervision.WM..JPG

Anonymous Student

"Knows material incredibly well. Is able to provide real world examples and hypotheticals which makes concepts easier to understand. Takes into account student comments."

Anonymous Student

Demanding in a way that challenged the class. Took class’s opinions into consideration. Very knowledgeable.

Anonymous Student

Facilitated/led discussions well and included everyone. Very knowledgeable about the subject. Accommodating to students preferences and needs.

Anonymous Student

Always willing to take questions + time to explain. Obviously very knowledgeable on the topic. Has a balanced method of “hands off” approach and in-depth explanations, feedback was helpful.

Anonymous Student

Clearly explained every class content. Provided valuable comment & opinion. Effectively using every minute.

Anonymous Student

"'She is very quick to answer my emails, which I really appreciate.'"

Anonymous Student

"The fact that the professor was very knowledgeable about the subject matter translated very well into her passion for the material. The discussion-based atmosphere helped me understand a lot more and made class much more interesting"

Anonymous Student

I liked her lectures. She is very knowledgeable and I found it sort of refreshing to have a teacher who was actually challenging students.

Anonymous Student

"I actually learned about a subject I had no previous knowledge about and was excited to listen to professor Warshel."

Anonymous Student

"'She has a very calming demeanor and really meant what she said.'"

Anonymous Student

"Warshel's experience in the field helps students to better understand the material."

Anonymous Student

"Professor Warshel is very good at describing and clearing up and confusing points."

Anonymous Student

“My instructors vast knowledge of the course subject and her real life experience in the field. The organization of the class and how it was structured [helped me to learn].”

Anonymous Student

I really enjoyed many of [her] interactive teaching methods that were used to help us gain a better understanding of what we were learning.

Anonymous Student

The professor's fluency and passion for the subject matter were on display in every lesson. 



Anonymous Student

Overall, I feel like this class is helpful in such way to develop your research techniques and writing skills.

Anonymous Student

If there were more courses like these, similar to peace com, I would definitely be a comm. major.

Anonymous Student

New & interesting field. Final project gives “hands on” experience.

Anonymous Student

The setting in the class made it easy and comfortable to talk in. Overall, I really enjoyed this class.

Anonymous Student

Overall, I feel like this class is helpful in such way to develop your research techniques and writing skills.

Anonymous Student

"Lots of material. Opened my mind. I learned analytical skills. I now question how I see things more."

Anonymous Student

"[Professor Warshel has a] Solid understanding of the topic, genuine interest-inspiring."

Anonymous Student

“Very knowledgeable and facilitates robust discussion that leads to a greater understanding of that week’s lecture.”

Anonymous Student

"The professor is very knowledgeable in the field and shows in the lectures and class discussion. She breaks things up so it is easy to understand."


Observation of multiple classes: “The class flowed nicely. The topics built upon each other and were presented in a logical order. She has a great rapport with the students. They responded respectfully and enthusiastically to her questions.” “Once again, the class had a clear direction, was well organized, and moved at an appropriate pace. “

Robert D. Richards, Penn State Professor of Journalism

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