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Yael Warshel: Photographs

Having been trained as a communication scholar and photographer, I firmly believe that media or languages in which we communicate our scholarly findings should not be subject to bias and confounded to only one modality and/or language (e.g. written word literacy and/or English). For this reason I communicate all my scholarly findings through multiple media, including visual and oral, and not merely in print literate form.

Yael Warshel photographing in the field

Yael Warshel photographing out in the field, circa 2005 (Photograph by Numan Qabaha)

Yael Warshel with photographer Mary Ellen Mark, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, circa 1999/2000 (Photograph by Kyle Cassidy)

Excerpts From Zimbabwe: The Baobab and Democracy Exhibition
by Yael Warshel, 1996

Charakupa Health Clinic
President Robert Mugabe gesturing
President Robert Mugabe Speaking
President Robert Mugabe making a stop motion
Portrait of Rural Areas, Zimbabwe
Portrait of Urban Life, Mbare, Zimbabwe
Mother and Daughter
Casting Secret Ballots
Jushua Nkomo and Caanana Bananana
President Mugabe's Crowd

Cover Photograph of Experiencing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Children, Peace Communication and Socialization. Written and illustrated by Yael Warshel, Cambridge University Press, Hardback 2021, Paperback 2022.

I shot this photograph of Arab/Palestinian Israeli tweens standing outside Jaffa’s Sawalha Sweets with toy guns and snacks in hand amid the 2006 Israeli elections, © Yael Warshel, 2006. Underscoring the complex socialization forces of the conflict zones these children straddle, the backdrop for their leisure activities included the store’s Hebrew sign, “Sawalha [Sweets]” (Sawalha, being an Arab surname reminiscent in Hebrew of the Arabic term for “reconciliation,” “sulh”): “nuts and seeds, sweets, gift baskets, chocolates... .” and the Consolidated Arab List for Renewal’s election poster, displaying its political slogan, the Arabic letters, “ayn” “mim,” and proclaiming, “Our Strength is in our Alliance,” undersigned by its allied party members in that election, “the National and Islamic Forces Alliance:” the “Islamic Movement” (United Arab List), “Arab Movement for Renewal” and the “Arab Democratic Party” (RA’AM-TA’AL-MADA), who, by combining forces, worked to foster change in Israeli (and Palestinian) politics.


Photograph © Yael Warshel

Excerpts from Experiencing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Children, Peace Communication and Socialization. Written and illustrated by Yael Warshel, Cambridge University Press, Hardback 2021, Paperback 2022 (inside photographs)

Palestinian day laborer in Alfei Menashe
Alfei Menashe community center
Dar al-Tifl Nursery School in Umm al-Fahm
Kina, entrance to Umm al-Fahm
Umm al-Fahm, from newer section of Jabareen neighborhood
Stateless nation audience members watching the designated episode
State-bearing nation audience members watching the designated episode
East Barta’a neighborhood
State-bearing nation audience members watching the designated episode
Flashing the peace sign, or victory, in its double meaning
Basketball court outside Alfei Menashe family home bracketed by the separation barrier
Nabi Elyas and Jayyous, behind, seen from Alfei Menashe
Moses family commemoration statue in Alfei Menashe
New home under construction in Alfei Menashe
Israeli license-plated car parked outside a home in East Barta’a
nside a newer home in East Barta’a
BE.Kidsplayingsoccer (1)
P.BE watching.girl
Bartaa Wadi

From Warshel, Yael. (2021). Why “peace” between Morocco and Israel matters for Western Sahara but not for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. 11(2), 121-134.

Sahrawi Refugee Camp
Sahrawi Refugee Camp
Hillside sign outside of Laayoune/El Aaiun, Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara
Sahrawi Refugee Camps

Children and Political Socialization

Protestant Northern Irish Children prepare to burn Irish and Palestinian flags
Jewish Israeli Child, Hostage Square, Tel Aviv, Israel
Sahrawi girl outside of Smara
Protestant Northern Irish Children prepare to burn a Palestinian flag
Moroccan and Sahrawi Children Dancing at an end of School Year Performance
Watching Israeli and Palestinian Sesame Street

Excerpt From Ghanaian Queen Mother and Chief Linguists Series

From Warshel, Yael. (2013, October). "Photos from the Field," Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group Newsletter.

ACYIG Newsletter October 2013 WM_edited_

News Photographs

David Bowie Live
George Olah
Tom Foley

Dolls, Dancers and More...
(Before AI and Photoshop; Nothing but Photographic Chemicals, Paint Brushes, and Slide Projectors)

Fight With My Sister
Protein Man
And The City Fell Beneath...

Around the World (Miscallaneous)

Lamu Island

Excerpts From Crappy Crap, the Finger-puppet Dog's Adventures Around the World
(On the lighter side of things...)

Crappy Crap visits the Market
Temple Colors
Departure to Nobeland
Moscow Metro
Crappy Crap makes a friend in front of St. Basil's Cathedral

 From The Barbie series, 1994

Barbie's Hair
Barbie's Unrealistic Dimensions
Barbie's High-heeled Legs
I Want to be Just Like Barbie
Barbie's Dimensions

From  Warshel, Yael (2009). "Broadening the Discourse about Martyrdom Television Programming.
Arab Media and Society, 8(Spring).


Photographs (c) Yael Warshel

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