Invisible Light
Research Illuminating Conflict Zone Children

Realizing Conflict Zone Children's Rights
Invisible Light

What We Do
Wherever conflict zones exist and young people rights are not sufficiently protected and/or exercized we conduct research to improve policy and practice outcomes

Where We Work
Our Reach:
We work globally, wherever conflict zones exist, and young people and/or disabled peoples' rights must be grown

People Our Outcomes Serve
Invisible Light: Conflict Zones Children
Invisible Light: Stateless Children
Invisible Light: Forcibly Migrated Children’
Invisible Light: War Babies
Invisible Light: historically nomadic children
Invisible Light: disabled children
Invisible Light: perpetrator children
Invisible Light: borderland children
Invisible Light: LGBTQ children

Organizations and Individuals We Serve
1. practitioners, policymakers and donors who can benefit from our skills and expertise:
Organizations out in the field working with young people
Policymakers legislating on or about young people's behalf
Donors working to fund related positive change
2. Researchers who want to partner with us to achieve our outcome aims

How We Work
Where We Are Located
USA (Arizona, Pennsylvania, California and Oregon)